The Marginal Library
A curated selection of topics for your team to discuss. Each covers a collection of podcasts, videos, and articles that will generate deep, fruitful conversations during your weekly discussions. So what are you waiting for? Choose a topic and get started today.
AI: Love it or Fear It?
Will artificial intelligence solve all our problems or is it the seed of an existential crisis?

Alternative Marketing Strategies
Explore a range of strategies and tools to help market and grow your business more effectively.

An Overview of Artificial Intelligence
Get brought up to speed on the current state of artificial intelligence and where it's heading.

Becoming a Great Leader
Level up your leadership skills, discussing tools and techniques that will inspire your team to achieve greatness.

Boss Class from The Economist
Join the Economist's Bartleby columnist searching for the secrets to being a better manager in this seven-part podcast series.

The Stanford Graduate School of Business examines complex issues faced in business, leadership, and society.

Launching and Leading a Business
Learn valuable lessons from both the strokes of genius and the regrettable mistakes of other entrepreneurs.

Me, Myself, and AI
A podcast from MIT's Sloan Management Review and BCG on Artificial Intelligence in Business.

Software Engineering
Embrace your inner nerd! Dive into all aspects of software development, from algorithms and architecture to process and pairing.

Startup/Early Stage Product Building
Got a product that's stuck in a rut? Get fresh insight on how you can position your product and deliver top value to your customers.

Startups For the Rest of Us
The original podcast for bootstrapped SaaS entrepreneurs. Learn from successful founders who have been in your shoes.

The Joy of Why
Interviews with leading researchers about the great scientific and mathematical questions of our time.

Or create your own topic
Not seeing what you had in mind? No problem. Setup a series of podcasts, videos, and articles that tap into the unique interests of your team. Just sign up to get started.